Poetry Introduction
See also: Poems
Poems in Chinese is just the same as in
any other languages.
It is a formalized expression of thought or emotion
that is written with rhyme, rhythm, meter and figures of
In rhyme, the words correspond with each other in
similar sound
in rhythm, the sentence form a pattern of series of
notes or beats of different stress or length
In meter, it is the measured rhythmic pattern
regulating alteration of long and short accented and
unaccented syllables.
Chinese is a mono-syllable language. Each word
can have many different meanings. Sometimes the
word also has many different sounds.
Most Chinese poems are made up of 5 word verses or a
7 word verse. But there are many different
variations. Chinese poems employes many
imaginative insights and sometimes convey several layers
of different meanings.
I hope that with this introduction, you can try
to write a Chinese poem or two