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Inside China
Map of China
Stories, Poems, Songs
Chinese New Years
Lion Dance
The Red Envelope
Poetry Introduction

See also:  Poems
Poems in Chinese is just the same as in any other languages.
  • It is a formalized expression of thought or emotion that is written with rhyme, rhythm, meter and figures of speech
  • In rhyme, the words correspond with each other in similar sound
  • in rhythm, the sentence form a pattern of series of notes or beats of different stress or length
  • In meter, it is the measured rhythmic pattern regulating alteration of long and short accented and unaccented syllables.
  • Chinese is a mono-syllable language.  Each word can have many different meanings.  Sometimes the word also has many different sounds.
  • Most Chinese poems are made up of 5 word verses or a 7 word verse.  But there are many different variations.  Chinese poems employes many imaginative insights and sometimes convey several layers of different meanings.
  • I hope that with this introduction, you can try to write a Chinese poem or two

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