No Chinese
New Year celebration is complete without the
traditional gift of money.
This is money
wrapped in red paper. TheChinese invented paper in
105 A.D. by Cai Lun.Later, the red
envelope was used.
Red is selected because the packet screams
'Good Luck and Prosperity' for the giver as well
as the receiver.
This is given from parent to children, only
unmarried are allowed to recieve.So, the tradition
is that the married gives to the unmarried
regardless of age.
The amount in the packet should be in even
numbers for good luck. Odd numbers are
considered to be unlucky.
To reflect good upbringing, one must accept
graciously with the customary Chinese New Year
good wishes and never open the envelope in front
of the giver.
Greeting are:
gong hay fa choi |
(Cantonese) |
sun nian fai lok |
(Cantonese) |