Art Class:

Mr. David Mao has been teaching fine art at the Chinese School of San Diego since 2008. He teaches sketching, watercolor and oil painting. Students learn basic drawing theories and practical drawing techniques through different assignment projects. Mr. Mao gives one-on-one instruction and close attention to his students. All students like Mr. Mao’s teaching methods very much because they learn from a few lessons. Please enroll if you are interested.

Mr. Mao’s drawing class is held every Saturdays from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. The following pictures are drawn by his students.

Tentative Schedule

Lesson 1 Flat Surfaces and Solid Shapes
Lesson 2 Object Composition
Lesson 3 Integration of the Whole and the Parts
Lesson 4 Straight Lines and Curves
Lesson 5 Lines and Textures
Lesson 6 Lines and Surfaces
Lesson 7 Bright, Gray, Dark surfaces and Shadow
Lesson 8 Warm and Cold Colors
Lesson 9 Contrasting Colors
Lesson 10 Basic Color Tones
Lesson 11 Functions of Contrastive Colors
Lesson 12 Basics of Perspective Drawing